
Cleantech business Carbonxt's (CG1) new deal

THE MORRISSEY EXCHANGE, SHAW AND PARTNERS: Podcast #47: Cleantech business Carbomxt’s (CG1) new deal

This is our second discussion with Carbonxt CEO, Warren Murphy. CG1 recently announced a new joint venture with Kentucky Coal Processing (KCP) where KCP’s facility and coal will be used to create Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) utilising the CG1 AC technology.

Their target market is the highly lucrative treatment of US drinking water and removal of PFAS or per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances; otherwise known as forever chemicals.

Recent EPA regulation changes will require the removal of PFAS from drinking water and has created a growing market opportunity, currently estimated to be worth US$600m.

Global Fixed Interest

THE MORRISSEY EXCHANGE, SHAW AND PARTNERS: Podcast #46: Global Fixed Interest. Every dog has their day

In a global economic environment where inflation has jumped with zeal, dragging interest rates along with it, the opportunity for justifiable exposure to fixed interest investments has emerged for the first time in a number of decades.

Australian Super’s CIO Mark Delaney recently commented that they hold an 18% exposure to bonds, up 70% on last year.

US Treasuries, Australian Treasuries, corporate bonds, hybrids, fixed (and floating) interest investments are ripe; its their time in the sun. This follows 2022, the single worst ever year for investing in US Treasuries since 1872.

This week we interview Mr Michael Leithead, Head of Fixed Income and Portfolio Manager at EFGAM.



Today we look more deeply into our fourth and final component of the asset allocation series; Equities.

The sharemarket has long proven a love affair for Australians. From pensioners, retirees and superannuants to amateur analysts, punters and professional investors. We love shares in this country. Where most countries around the world focus on a fuller asset allocation with equities representing a small component, Australia still has an overwhelmingly large representation of shares in investment portfolios.

This week, Ben Morrissey has a chat with Mr Leo Barry, fund manager with Fairview Equity Partners. Leo will take us through why he chose to manage equities as opposed to another asset class, valuation methodologies, sectoral performances and where the opportunities lie.

Fixed Income


In today’s pod we delve into our third component of the asset allocation series; cash and fixed interest.

Certainly not the sexiest of the four broad asset classes, but probably the one that provides investors with the greatest comfort; whether rightly or wrongly.

This week we’re joined by Cam Duncan, Co-Head of the Shaw and Partners Income strategies team. You may recall Cam from our discussion in November 2021 where we were discussing the pending interest rate move and inflation; which played out as discussed.

Today we discuss the asset class itself and its role in a well-diversified portfolio, different types of debt, global opportunities, the specific features of hybrids and the US Debt ceiling.

Residential Property

THE MORRISSEY EXCHANGE, SHAW AND PARTNERS: Podcast #43: Residential Property

We return to normal transmission this week as we continue reviewing the 4 broad asset classes generally available to investors and how they can be combined to form an investment portfolio.

A few weeks ago we interviewed Natasha Nankivell, Partner and Founder of Global Alternative Funds who covered off on alternative investments.

This week Ben Morrissey has a chat with Steve Abbott; a property veteran, Managing Director of Jellis Craig Boroondara and Founder of property portal PropertyMate.

The main reason for focussing in on residential property is simple; it represents the majority of most Australians’ net wealth and let’s face it, everyone has an opinion on it and most Australians love discussing it.

Is it overpriced, cheap, which areas will grow the fastest, where are the growth corridors, where are the opportunities?

Reap what you sow. Global ramifications and outcomes of rapid rate rises

THE MORRISSEY EXCHANGE, SHAW AND PARTNERS: Podcast #42: Reap what you sow. Global ramifications and outcomes of rapid rate rises

Although we are currently working our way through the different asset classes, we’ve decided to interrupt this series of podcasts given the potential banking crisis unfolding before our eyes. 

In today’s podcast Ben Morrissey chats with Mr Jonathon Rawicz, Senior Portfolio Manager at Global Bank EFG and Portfolio Manager for the New Capital Equity Conviction Fund. 

Markets are extremely turbulent around the world due to the fear of a collapsing banking sector, so we take time to ask a true global investor his views of where markets are headed and why.

In many ways what is happening now is quite complex, it is also very simple and predictable; a rapid escalation in interest rates will have dramatic, unavoidable results.

Jonathon is an experienced and knowledgeable operator, so we’re fortunate enough to have him with us to unwrap it all.

Are You missing out? The Benefits of Alternative Investing.

THE MORRISSEY EXCHANGE, SHAW AND PARTNERS: Podcast #41: Are You missing out? The Benefits of Alternative Investing.

As mentioned a few weeks back, we’re going to spend the next 4 podcasts understanding and analysing the main asset classes for investors: Equities, Property, Cash and Fixed Interest and Alternative assets.

In today’s episode, Alex and Ben chat with Natasha Nankivell who is a partner and Founder of the $895m Global Alternative Funds.

Natasha discusses what alternatives are, the misconceptions, opportunities and the increasing relevance of the sector. 

Globally investors continue to take larger positions in alternatives due to a number of factors- not the least of which being the unnecessarily and increasingly volatile equity markets.

Natasha is a great presenter and is clearly passionate about her role in the industry.

Martin Crabb - Points to Ponder for 2023

THE MORRISSEY EXCHANGE, SHAW AND PARTNERS: Podcast #40: Martin Crabb - Points to Ponder for 2023

Welcome back.


This is our first episode for what looks to be a jam packed 2023. We’ve brought back a crowd favourite in Mr Martin Crabb, CIO of Shaw and Partners. There is already so much to consider and discuss, despite the fact the year has barely begun.


From the obvious discussion points of inflation and interest rates, to property values, Big Tech, short selling and spy balloons.


Martin Crabb is always a thought provoking listen as he is one of those blokes who is knowledgeable about all things vital AND trivial.


So set the dining table, pour some wine and imagine you’re at a dinner party with the effervescent Mr Martin Crabb.

Annual wrap for 2022 and predictions for 2023


This is the final pod for the year before you all disappear for a month, so you can listen as you tan yourselves.

This pod runs through our predictions from December last year, how we fared, and why. We then look forward to 2023 and what is to become of so many important global and local issues.

Thank you for listening through the year, and we look forward to providing you with further topical discussions in 2023.

Moz Afzal - The Global View, Part 2

The Morrissey Exchange, Shaw and Partners: Moz Afzal - The Global View, Part 2

In today’s podcast, Ben Morrissey continues his interview with Mr Moz Afzal, EFGAM’s Senior PM and Global CIO.

In this episode we explore; China and their long term goals, the learnings for Western society from recent political developments, battery metals, cryptocurrencies, Moz’s key picks for growth, and where he would invest $100k if he couldn’t get access to it for 10 years.

Enjoy a part 2 that makes Lethal Weapon 2 seem pedestrian.

Moz Afzal - The Global View, Part 1

The Morrissey Exchange, Shaw and Partners: Moz Afzal - The Global View, Part 1

In today’s podcast, Ben Morrissey interviews Mr Moz Afzal, EFGAM’s Senior PM and Global CIO.

We’re extremely fortunate to pick the brain of such an informed and well-connected economic talent; one of his role’s would be insanely demanding, let alone contending with both.

For those who don’t know, EFG is a global private banking and asset management group headquartered in Zurich and listed on the Swiss Stock Exchange. EFG operates in around 40 locations worldwide with 3000 employees, boasts $260 billion funds under management, but most importantly, to them of course, is they are Shaw & Partner’s Global partner.

We cover a lot here, hence the two parts.

In this episode we discuss Moz’s expectations for a number of the major global economies, international ideologies, War and the potential outcomes in Ukraine, the Euro and whether it will last, political leaders, and so on.

Moz was a particularly endearing sort of fella, and has that rare gift of simplifying complicated issues.

So grab a decaffeinated extra hot almond caramel macchiato and enjoy the musings of a wise soul.

Carbonxt - Cleaning Up

The Morrissey Exchange, Shaw and Partners: Carbonxt - Cleaning Up

In today’s podcast, Ben Morrissey interviews Mr Warren Murphy, CEO Carbonxt (CG1) for a second time, where we discuss the company as a whole but zero in on their recently announced deal.

CG1 is a rapidly expanding clean tech business located in the US. It started life as a company solely focused on using their patented Activated Carbon(AC) technology to remove mercury from the smokestacks in coal fired power plants. They now lead the world in the development of AC products aimed at capturing all manner of contaminants released in industrial processes via industrial air purification, wastewater treatment, etc.

CG1 has signed terms sheets for the establishment and financing of a 40% stake in a state-of-the-art activated carbon plant with Kentucky Coal Processing or KCP in Kentucky, USA. The facility will be on the site of, and joint funded by, KCP.

The new plant will be located alongside waste to energy provider Inez Power, also owned by KCP.

This company has truly served its apprenticeship and now has a real chance to shine.

So settle in under a tree, put your phone on ‘do not disturb’ and smell the flowers whilst you have a listen, because we’re going green.

Tune in fortnightly for the latest economic commentary and ideas.

Jimmy Orange

The Morrissey Exchange, Shaw and Partners: Jimmy Orange

In today’s podcast Ben Morrissey interviews Mr Jimmy Orange; the man with the coolest name in Australian sport.

Topic of discussion: Academy Movement; The pathway to success

Jimmy is the founder of Academy Movement; a sports based educational initiative designed to engage disillusioned students in lower socio-economic areas. Jimmy’s goal is to achieve the following:

  • Increased likelihood of completing VCE

  • Broaden potential career options

  • Improve physical and mental well-being

  • Provide a long-lost sense of belonging to both the community and school

  • Pathway to sporting excellence

It all sounds too good to be true but it’s not, and he already has the runs on the board.

So turn off all the superfluous discussion on football finals, tune in and enjoy.

Everything you wanted to know about what’s going on in this crazy world - Part 2

The Morrissey Exchange, Shaw and Partners: Everything you wanted to know about what’s going on in this crazy world- Part 2

In today’s podcast Ben Morrissey interviews Mr Martin Crabb, Chief Investment Officer at Shaw and Partners.

The topic of discussion is: Everything you wanted to know about what’s going on in this crazy world- Part 2.

In this second offering of a two part discussion, we cover issues such as property prices, supply chains, energy and geopolitical tensions and their ramifications for markets. 

This is an illuminating discussion between two men with over 60 years of combined market experience and well worth a listen.

Get some discussion fodder for your next dinner party and listen in.

Everything you wanted to know about what’s going on in this crazy world - Part 1

The Morrissey Exchange, Shaw and Partners: Everything you wanted to know about what’s going on in this crazy world - Part 1

In today’s podcast Ben Morrissey interviews Mr Martin Crabb, Chief Investment Officer at Shaw and Partners. 

The topic of discussion is: Everything you wanted to know about what’s going on in this crazy world- Part 1. 

In this first offering of a two part discussion, we traverse key talking points and areas of interest such as comparative market performance  and why, market direction, Chinese influence on our market, inflation, interest rate direction, gold performance (under) and more.

This is an illuminating discussion between two men with over 60 years of combined market experience and well worth a listen.

So spark up your otherwise uneventful drive home from work with some fascinating market insights.

All you need to know about Exchange Traded Funds

The Morrissey Exchange, Shaw and Partners: All you need to know about Exchange Traded Funds

In today’s podcast, Alex Henderson discusses the murky and complex world of Exchange Traded Funds (ETF’s) with Damon Gosen, Director – Business Development at VanEck.

The growth of ETF’s has been phenomenal since they started in the US 29 years ago to become a $10.2 trillion force in listed markets. There are now more indices than stocks in the world, with innovative new thematics capturing investors’ attention. 

Put your feet up, grab a cup of tea and listen to these two gentlemen traverse the land of ETF’s and index investing.