Complete our quick online application to start investing with
Shaw and Partners Morrissey Group today.

When you open an account in Shaw SMArt Invest, you obtain your own personal investment portfolio that is professionally managed for you by your investment team in accordance with the objectives of the Model Portfolio you have chosen.

  • Low cost, diversified & professionally managed

  • Minimum Investment $5,000

  • Open an account quickly and online

  • Receive regular market updates from Morrissey Group Portfolio Managers

  • Funds can be redeemed daily

The investments in your portfolio are beneficially owned by you, and you can view the underlying investments in your portfolio, change Model Portfolios and transfer additional money to, or make a withdrawal from, your account at any time.

You are able to see your portfolio via your Investor Portal and our app. You will also be able to access regular information from your investment team explaining the investment decisions they are making, and their thinking, generally, so that you are fully informed about your portfolio.

When your investment team believes it is desirable to make a change to the investment composition of a Model Portfolio, it instructs the Administrator as to what changes to make, and the Administrator then makes those changes for every investor who has selected that Model Portfolio.